_(2006). Agreement in Persian. Linguistik Online29.
URL: http://www.linguistik-online.de/29_06/lotfi.pdf
_(2006). Feature Sharing v. Feature Checking: An Analysis of Persian Pre- and Post-verbal
CPs. California Linguistic Notes. Vol. XXX1 No. 1.
URL: http://hss.fullerton.edu/linguistics/cln/pdf/Checking%20v.%20Sharing.pdf
_ (2003). Persian Wh-riddles. In Multiple Wh-Fronting, C. Boeckx and K. K. Grohmann
(eds), 161-186. Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company.
_ (2003). Intonation contours, yes/no questions, and minimalist syntax: A unitarianist
perspective. Cognitive Science 1:70-83.
_(2002). Minimalist program revisited: Chomsky’s strength to trigger movement. In Proceedings
of the 34th Linguistics Colloquium (Germersheim 1999), R. Rapp (ed), 131-140. Frankfurt
am Main, Peter Lang.
_(2002). Dances with the Quantifiers. Journal of Language and Linguistics 1.
URL: http://www.shakespeare.uk.net/journal/1_1/lotfi1_1.html
_(2001). Persian ‘bayad’: A violation of the extended projection principle? California
Notes 1. URL: http://hss.fullerton.edu/linguistics/cln/spring01_articles/spring%202001.htm
_(2001). Iconicity: A Generative Perspective. Working Papers in LinguisticIconicity.
URL: http://www.trismegistos.com/IconicityInLanguage/Articles/Lotfi/lotfi.html
Lotfi, A. R. and M. Shahrokhi. 2005. Interlanguage subjectivity. Journal of Language and Linguistics.
Vol. 4 No. 2. URL: http://www.shakespeare.uk.net/journal/4_2/lotfi_shahrokhi.htm
Lotfi Khajooi, M. and A. R. Lotfi. (2004). Teaching vocabulary to Iranian students of English:
The application of Rosch’s Prototypicality Model in vocabulary learning. Danesh va Pezhouhesh. No. 4.
Lotfi, A. R. and N. Vaziri Tehrani. (2002). Thinking-for-speaking effects in English (L1=Persian)
interlanguage. Danesh va Pezhouhesh 13, 14: 31-41.
Lotfi, A. R. and A. Ameri Golastan. (2002). Wh-extraction from claim-type constructions in Persian-
speaking L2 learners’ English interlanguage. Danesh va Pezhouhesh 10: 13-22.
Lotfi, A. R. and N. Saei-pour. (2001). Access to X-bar theory: A Study of (L1=Persian) English
interlanguage. Danesh va Pezhouhesh 7: 13-24.
Sharifian, F. and A. R. Lotfi. (2003). Rices and waters: The mass/Count distinction in Modern
Persian. Anthropological Linguistics 45(2): 226-244.
Syntax: Uriagereka (1998) URL: http://linguistlist.org/issues/10/10-926.html
General Linguistics: Darnell, Moravcsik, Newmeyer, Noonan & Wheatley, eds. (1998)
URL: http://linguistlist.org/issues/11/11-3.html
Syntax: Martin, Michaels & Uriagereka, eds. (2000) URL: http://linguistlist.org/issues/12/12-974.html
SLA: Gass & Macky (2000) URL: http://linguistlist.org/issues/11/11-1414.html
Linguistic Theories: Bybee & Hopper, eds. (2001) URL: http://linguistlist.org/issues/13/13-2116.html
General Linguistics: O'Grady, Archibald, Aronoff & Rees-Miller, eds. (2001)
URL: http://linguistlist.org/issues/12/12-2273.html
Syntax/Semantics: Di Sciullo, ed. (2003) URL: http://linguistlist.org/issues/14/14-2481.html
Syntax/Language Acquisition: van Hout et al (2003) URL: http://linguistlist.org/issues/15/15-646.html
Syntax/Computational Linguistics: Kruijff & Oehrle, eds. (2003)
URL: http://linguistlist.org/issues/15/15-2326.html
Syntax: Brody (2004) URL: http://linguistlist.org/issues/16/16-1456.html
Syntax: Schweikert (2005) URL: http://linguistlist.org/issues/17/17-646.html
Syntax: Everaert & van Riemsdijk, ed. (2006) URL: http://linguistlist.org/issues/17/17-3167.html
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